alias | Create a command alias. |
awk | Search and replace text within a file. |
cal | Display a monthly calendar. |
chgrp | Change group ownership for a file or directory. |
chmod | Change access permissions on a file or directory. |
chown | Change ownership for a file or directory. |
clear | Clear screen. |
cp | Copy a file. |
crontab | Schedule a task to be run at a later time. |
du | Display a summary of estimated disk usage. |
fdisk | Disk partition utility. |
find | Search for files. |
free | Display memory usage. |
grep | Search a file for specific text. |
gzip | Compression utility, handles .z files. |
history | Display a list of recent commands. |
kill | Kill a process. |
ln | Create a link to a file. |
locate | Find files. |
ls | List files. |
man | Manual application. |
mkdir | Make a directory. |
more | Displays the contents of a file by page. |
mv | Move a file to a different directory. |
passwd | Change password. |
ps | Displays running processes. |
pwd | Print Working Directory, displays current directory. |
quota | Display disk quota information. |
rm | Remove a file. |
rmdir | Remove a directory. |
rpm | Remote Package Manager, program installer. |
set | Set shell variables and functions. |
shutdown | Shuts down Linux system. |
tar | Tape ARchiver, backup utility. |
unalias | Remove an alias. |
unset | Remove shell variables and functions. |
useradd | Add a username. |
w | List all users currently logged on, along with their current running process. |
whereis | Searches for files within a hard-coded path (use 'find' to search exhaustively). |
who | List all users currently logged on. |
whoami | Display username. |