BASH is the default command line script language for Linux. BASH is an acronym for Bourne Again Shell, which is a shell variant based on Steven Bourne's shell that he created for AT&T Bell Labs. Bourne Shell is just one of the many different flavors of Unix shells, such as Korn Shell and C Shell.
BASH gives the user a command line interface, which provides access to the system's resources. BASH shares many commands and options that are available among the different shells, such as ls and alias. The user can enter individual commands at the prompt, and can also write batch scripts using BASH commands and variables. Batch programming offers users the opportunity to quickly code and run programs.
While Linux has evolved to include a graphical environment, old ways die hard. Many users still perform certain tasks at the command line, and indeed, some tasks are better served in text mode. Also, telnet and remote login sessions will be text-based.
The following pages dive into what BASH can accomplish.
BASH Commands